25 August 2016

MARINERUS - distributor for GENMA Floating and Offshore Lift Crane

Title *
MARINERUS - distributor for GENMA Floating and Offshore Lift Crane
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Details *

MARINERUS - appointed authorized sole distributor for GENMA Floating and Offshore Lift Crane for the territory of Russian Federation
In August 2016, the MARINERUS Company has obtained the exclusive right of distributor of GENMA for the supply and sale of floating and offshore cranes with a high lifting capacity.
The company GENMA is a world leader in the manufacture of floating cranes and lifting equipment and is included in the group of companies of Nantong Rainbow Heavy Machineries Co. LTD.
Company MARINERUS in cooperation with foreign partners, is developing a project “MARINERUS CRANE PROJECT” (MCP”) to create a cluster of offshore crane building in Russia.
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Contact *
+7-921-758-77-77 – mob.
+372-59-47-47-68 – international
+7 (812) 607-70-38 – office
e-mail: zaliv@bk.ru
website: www.marinerus.ru
Skype: Marinerus1
VK: http://vk.com/marinerus
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Marinerus/210558642402537
Twitter: https://twitter.com/marinerus_