19 March 2014

Requirement of Ro-Pax vessel on charter in India

Category : Chartering
DETAILS : Dear sir

We are in the process of implementing Ro-Pax ferry service in India and initially require one vessel on charter.

Since Ro-Pax vessel project is being implemented for the first time in India we would welcome long term participation of the RoPax operator both in operation of the vessel and financial participation.They could sell the vessel to us after few years and exit the project if they like or continue with us as we expand the operations in India

The broad specifications of the vessel required for operating 24x7 under all weather conditions are
RoPax vessel minimum 1500m lane meter , Minimum 500 passengers, Length of berth 180m ( With dolphin top level at 13.5mt ), Pontoon width for embarking and disembarking from Ro-Pax vessel 30m , Minimum water depth 5m in channel and turning circle, Speed around 20knots , The vessel can have draft between 6 to 7m and would be operated according to tide. It should be suitable for operation in coastal area with high currents as the area has tidal variation of around 10m hence the vessel should be highly maneuverable with twin screw, stabilizer and stern and bow thrusters or any other propulsion system which can undertake such type of maneuvering . Ro-Pax with forward and aft ramp would be preferred.The vessel should have capacity to carry between 100-150 trucks/buses / cars , should preferably have appropriate lashing arrangement, preferably with auto tension winches and should not be older than 25 years.The distance between the terminals is 17Nm hence only seating and restaurants are required

The minimum requirement to be met is 1500m lane meter and 500 passengers capacity

The terminals would be available on exclusive basis and the vessel would be allowed to operate with foreign flag

Shall appreciate if you could advise availability for vessels meeting our requirement

With regards

C M Arora

CONTACT : Star Ferries Pvt Ltd
680-681 Udyog Vihar Phase V
Haryana 122016

Mobile 9810098164