frm met mar shipping group
t: +90 216 5761166 f: +90 216 5761160
please quote maritime transportation for metallurgical coal until june 17th, 2013 10:00 (são paulo time) according to the conditions stated below: shipment
material: coal
quantity: 70.000 mt +/- 10% at owner’s option
laydays: 01/july – 10/july 2013
loading port: mobile
loading rate: vessel size: over 50.000mt loading rate: minimum 25000 mt – maximum 40000mt per wwd shinc, excluding holiday. unless the vessel is loaded with 50.000 mt minimum of 1 (one) grade of coal then minimum 30.000 mt – maximum 40.000 mt per wwd shinc, excluding superholidays.
discharging port: itaguai (former sepetiba), brazil
discharging rate: 30.000 mt per wwd shinc, excluding superholidays
turn time: 12 hours (bends)
freight payment: freight is one hundred per cent (100%) payable by charterers in united states dollars to owners’ nominated bank account within fifteen (10) running days after signing and releasing the bills of lading.
2. one shipment
material: coal
quantity: 70.000 mt +/- 10% at owner’s option
laydays: 01/july – 10/july 2013
loading port: dalrymple bay, queensland, australia
loading rate: vessel size in dwt (metric tons) 60,001 – 75,000= 25,000
vessel size in dwt (metric tons) 75,001 – 100,000= 35,000
workings days of the week including saturdays and sundays but excluding officially recognized holidays in the governing jurisdiction unless used (ssinc hexuu).
discharging port: itaguai (former sepetiba), brazil
discharging rate: 30.000 mt pwwd of 24 (twenty-four) consecutive hours sshinc, excluding superholidays.
turn time: 12 hours (bends)
firm and fixed freight rate per route for contract term, considering the options for tonnage offered indicated above.
the other terms and conditions not listed on this tender, as per draft of “gencoa cp” duly amended and with additional clauses, attached to this e-mail.this draft contains the main frame of the conditions for the carriage and it wont be accepted major changes or addition of general clauses.
· owner are free to present offer according to their competitiveness;
· csn reserves its right of counter offering/cancelling freight for the route(s) and or number of shipment according to its own discretion;
1. freight table
freight offer must be returned on the file attached to this e-mail.
2. offer validity
offer to be valid for 04 working days.
3. csn reserves the right to reject any or all offers.
ttl 2.5 comm
Sincerely, vahap
m: +90 532 5862142
s: vahapozmen ( skype )
e: handy(at)metmar(.)co(.)uk